Arian Jacobs
Arian Jacobs Business Designer & Business Development engineer
Spronq full service innovation studio

Arian Jacobs likes to connect business and technology. About 20 years ago she started as an information analyst combined with management and teaching. Her expertise lies in embedding new methods for Business -IT alignment into the actual business processes in a variety of industries. Her drive is to bring people together from heterogenous professional backgrounds, by creating overall agreement on goals and strategy, by helping to achieve a shared model for communication and operation.


Intersection 24: September 18-20
10th global conference on Enterprise Design

  • Conference
  • September 18–20, 2024, 09:00-17:00
  • Rome, Italy

10th Conference on Enterprise Design

Cycling on the EDGE

  • Conference Workshop
  • September 19, 2024, 10:30-12:00
  • Rome, Italy