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Capabilities: How to collect, document, and leverage them

Intersection Community Campfire
  • Intersection Community Campfire
  • April 30, 2024,7 pm - 8 pm CEST (Vienna, Paris, Berlin)
  • Online

Capabilities: How to collect, document, and leverage them

For decades, colleagues and I have used capabilities as our Multi-Tool to open business leaders minds to the topic of architecture and then use capabilities to realize architecture and take strategy to desired results. This campfire discussion, and we hope for it to be a discussion, in part lead by you, to demystify capabilities. Jim Dowling and others will present a point of view on capabilities and connect the dots from our POV to EDGY Facets, Facet Elements, and Intersections. We will present examples of application ranging from helping a group of micro-brewers create a dominant US beer brand to saving a global hospitality company from hostile takeover and break-up.

You are encouraged to send us "How would I?" "How did you?" "What do you mean by?" and other questions and challenges that you experience or just want to explore. The program is scheduled for one-hour, much of that will be conversation. Presenters will stay online for another thirty to forty-five minutes to respond to your inquiries. So, sign up and prime the pump with your questions about EDGY and its Capability Element.

The Know, Feel, Do:

  • Know: Capabilities are powerful in many ways when thoughtfully discovered, documented, and related to other EDGY Facets.
  • Feel: Encouraged to get incorporate capability into thinking and work.
  • Do: Engage in the conversation and further explore capabilities with us.


Jim Dowling
Jim Dowling Founder
Capable Company

Co-Founder of the Capable Company Group, pioneers of bringing Capabilities to the art and science of Taking Strategy to Results. A business maker, learner, and coach with a keen interest in helping individuals, teams and organizations realize their performance aspirations. After leaving Engineering and Information Technology, Jim found his work/playground in a place where people, process, technology, and business can align to produce amazing results. Jim has led Teaming, Leadership Alignment, Leader Development, Organization Design, Business Transformation, Strategy Clarification programs for organizations in Europe, The Americas, and Asia.

Rich Lynch
Rich Lynch Founder
Capable Company

Co-founder of The Capable Company Group, pioneers of bringing Capabilities to the art and science of Taking Strategy to Results. Curiosity has led Rich into some exciting business innovations such as the balanced scorecard, capability-based planning, and new growth platforms. Along the way, he has collaborated with some great people from academia, consulting and client companies. He has authored three books: Measure Up! Corporate Renaissance, and The Capable Company. In the field, he has led numerous business transformation projects and has been running Strategy to Execution workshops for leaders at all levels.


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